What Are Examples of Successful Outcomes Using Specific Therapeutic Models in Couples Therapy?


    What Are Examples of Successful Outcomes Using Specific Therapeutic Models in Couples Therapy?

    In the realm of couples therapy, marriage and family therapists often witness transformative results through various therapeutic models. A Marriage and Family Therapist Associate recounts a case of healing by integrating IFS, EFT, and Satir, while we also present additional answers that range from the use of mindfulness practices to improving connection. These insights offer a glimpse into the diverse strategies that can fortify relationships.

    • Combining IFS, EFT, and Satir for Healing
    • Gottman Method Enhances Marital Satisfaction
    • Deepen Bonds with Emotionally Focused Therapy
    • Resolve Conflicts Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    • Enhance Communication with Solution-Focused Therapy
    • Strengthen Bonds with Attachment Theory
    • Mindfulness Practices Improve Connection

    Combining IFS, EFT, and Satir for Healing

    When working with couples, I like to combine Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS), Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT), and The Satir Model. All three flow nicely together because the former two are derived from the latter. The reason I use all three together is to explore the depths of each individual through IFS, account for each family of origin history through The Satir Model, and provide real-time emotional change with each other through EFT.

    The most successful outcomes in couples therapy utilizing these three models have included moments where individuals have been able to release individual burdens from within while their partners are witnessing. Typically, these burdens have been held onto since childhood, as a means of coping in the family in which they grew up. When witnessing partners release their pain, spouses are moved with empathy. Then, all of a sudden, they can hold a safe space for each other rather than feel offended by the behavior that was offensive to them just moments ago. And new ways of relating can form. New neural pathways form. Healing begins.

    Amanda Averbeck
    Amanda AverbeckMarriage and Family Therapist Associate, Authentically Rooted Counseling

    Gottman Method Enhances Marital Satisfaction

    When working with couples, I typically utilize Gottman Method Couples Therapy due to the evidence-based research that backs the model and the tools used within the model. When utilizing this therapeutic method, there are several different avenues that are explored with the couple, with the goal being a better-functioning relationship. This includes, but is not limited to, building trust and love as well as increasing communication, conflict resolution, intimacy, respect, and developing an increased level of understanding of their partner, their needs, and their perspectives. This looks different for each client, based on what their presenting concerns are.

    For example, if a couple comes in with complaints pertaining to a loss of connection between them, there is a good chance they are not communicating with each other effectively, intimacy is probably lacking (emotional, physical, or both), and they have probably stopped truly listening and understanding each other's perspective and desires. When a couple successfully learns how to communicate their needs and listen and attune to their partner's needs and desires, they typically see an increase in marital satisfaction including respect, love, intimacy, fondness, and admiration. In my experience, couples with positive outcomes using this model typically continue to see results in their relationship for as long as they continue utilizing the tools and behaviors learned.

    Rachelle Staubach
    Rachelle StaubachMarriage and Family Therapist Associate, MAC Counseling Services, LLC

    Deepen Bonds with Emotionally Focused Therapy

    Emotionally Focused Therapy, a strategy designed for couples, has a track record of fostering deeper emotional connections. By exploring and reshaping the emotional responses that underlie relational patterns, many couples experience a revitalized bond. This kind of therapy focuses on the development of trust and a secure emotional bond between partners.

    Through a series of structured conversations, therapists guide couples to more open and honest exchanges. The result often includes a significant increase in intimacy. Consider Emotionally Focused Therapy to deepen the emotional bond with your partner.

    Resolve Conflicts Using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is renowned for its effectiveness in resolving conflicts among couples. It assists couples in identifying and changing negative thought patterns that lead to arguments and misunderstandings. By providing tools for problem-solving and enhancing understanding between partners, this therapeutic model often yields a remarkable improvement in how couples handle disagreements.

    Through active participation in therapy, partners learn constructive ways to address issues and prevent future conflicts. If you aim to transform conflict into productive dialogue, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy could be the key.

    Enhance Communication with Solution-Focused Therapy

    Solution-Focused Therapy is known for its practical approach to enhancing communication between partners. This therapeutic model encourages couples to identify and build upon their existing strengths, facilitating more meaningful and satisfying conversations. By shifting the focus from problems to solutions, couples can see a marked improvement in how they talk and listen to each other.

    This establishes a positive momentum for continued growth in their relationship. If you wish to better communicate with your significant other, inquire about Solution-Focused Therapy.

    Strengthen Bonds with Attachment Theory

    The application of Bowlby's Attachment Theory within the context of couples therapy can significantly strengthen the sense of attachment between partners. This approach focuses on developing a secure, resilient bond by exploring past attachment experiences and their impact on current relationships. Through understanding their attachment styles, couples can work toward forming a stronger, more secure partnership.

    By fostering a secure attachment, this method aims to build a foundation that supports lasting relationship satisfaction. Engage with Attachment Theory-based strategies for a more secure and dependable relationship with your partner.

    Mindfulness Practices Improve Connection

    Integrating mindfulness practices into couples therapy can have a beneficial impact on the relationship by reducing stress and facilitating a stronger emotional connection. By teaching couples to be fully present and engaged in the moment, these practices help in acknowledging and appreciating each other's feelings and experiences. As a result, couples often find that their stress levels decrease and their ability to connect with each other improves.

    Mindfulness in therapy can guide partners to a more peaceful and connected relationship. If you're looking to alleviate stress and enhance your connection, consider incorporating mindfulness into your relationship.